Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This is party dynamics

Two minutes of watching the Good Girls of the office – Diya, Liya and Celia, TLC they were called – doing their giggly-act and I really wanted to slap them.
But before I could do anything of the sort, Confused Kutty asked me if I wanted a drink. I asked for a pineapple juice and he was surprised. "You don't drink?" Kutty asked, "Or you are not drinking tonight?" I told him about my not-drinking-in public stance and he didn't push further. Meanwhile, TLC were on their second drink already. Kutty looked at me as if expecting me to accompany him to the bar, I was very clear that I was not going to be his 'date' for that evening. So I pretended to not understand his look and walked away from Kutty… right into Runu's path.
Runu and me stopped short of bumping into each other and as we stood face to face, Runu seemed as flabbergasted as me and blurted out, "Do you want a drink?" Before I could say anything, Kutty responded from behind me, "She is not drinking and I am getting her pineapple juice." Both Runu and I were surprised by this declaration, Kutty's voice had slightly risen and he looked agitated. Runu shrugged and said casually, "So while you go and get her the drink, I shall keep her company," and saying that, held my hand and led me away from Kutty.
Other heads were turning as Runu led me to one of the corner couches. As we sat, TLC – who had been fluttering their eyelashes at some of the boys from the design team – came over as well. "Runu sir," they said in chorus, between more giggles, more fluttering and a lot of heavy breathing, "Will you dance with us?" they asked, again in chorus. Runu laughed and answered that they would dance a little later. All three girls giggled some more at that and still stood there. Suddenly Tia addressed me, "Suparna, you can also come and dance with us when we dance with Runu," and giggled conspiratorially. Before I could respond, Mohini Ghosh also joined our little, but rapidly increasing group. "Can she dance though?" she asked TLC in general, smiled rather toothily at Runu and looked at me as if she would eat me up. And as she asked that, true to Mohini's style, her sari pallu slipped off her shoulder and suddenly we were all looking at two mammoth breasts in a very low cut, too tight to fit blouse. "Oops," was all Mohini said.
To be continued…


Amit said...

Why is there a dark side only?

burf said...

btw, what kinda business is your company into?